Do Naked And Afraid Contestants Win Money As A Prize?

June 2024 · 5 minute read

No, Naked And Afraid contestants do not win any money as a prize. The contestants have to survive for 21 days in the wilderness.

Every episode of the show starts with two participants bringing helpful items like a fire starter or machete and building a shelter and finding water and food.

The show is produced in the United States but some of the seasons were shot in Panama and also in Nicaragua.

It is a real-life scenario for survival where the crew of the series only interfere when there is a medical emergency.

The show is loved by fans all around the globe for its raw and truthful nature.

While the show is about survival, their weight is measured at the end of the episode.

The show has also been claimed by The Guardian as the best reality show on television as it is quite different from other reality genres.

Do Naked And Afraid Contestants Win Money?

No, Naked and Afraid contestants do not win money. The cast members have to learn to survive in the wilderness.

The only prize they get is a sense of pride while dealing with the world’s hostile climates and facing deadly animals.

It was a surprise for the contestant and their fan to know that there was no cash prize for the risk they take.

The candidates had to go through physical and mental trouble while on the show.

They also have to be absent from their regular occupations which hamper their finance too.

The prize they get is the reassurance that they can survive in the wild and are strong enough to withstand the torture.

Jeff Zausch, a contestant on the show said in an interview that he opted for the challenge knowing that there is no cash prize.

He wanted to challenge himself and to know the limits of what humans can do.

Another contestant Blare Braverman said her experience facing off with snakes and figuring out foods to eat and was really difficult in the show.

While the situation can get quite dangerous on the show, some contestants have had less than extreme experiences.

From stealing the food from the production crew and local neighbors to experiencing the groovy music of a DJ blasting tunes some few meters away is what keeps them going.

The People On The Show Are Paid Very Less

The contestant on the show is paid to compensate for their missing pay from their day jobs.

The casting director of the show Kristi Russell told that the salary is $5000 cash for every participant on the show.

The cast also gets a plane ticket and also two hotel nights paid for before starting and completing their episode.

While the discussion on Quora suggests that they get paid between $750 and $1000 per week.

The viewers suspect that because of the nudity and potential bodily harm during their 21-day stint in a remote place, they get paid slightly more, perhaps even up to around $1250 per week, but not likely more than that.

While in Naked and Afraid XL, competitors must endure a stunning 40 days in nature.

They were paid $24,000 US dollars which is nearly five times as much as they would have for the 21-day challenge.

The additional time they spent enduring the elements and consuming bugs and insects results in a higher pay.

Although there is no cash prize for the show’s victors, they may decide to leave due to severe wounds, infections, and mental health problems.

It might not seem like a fair offer, but the applicants are honest about what they might anticipate.

Unlike the show ‘Survivors’ with the same kind of setup who are paid one million dollars as prize money.

The discovery channel offers certification with less compensation.

Has Anyone Been Attacked On Naked And Afraid?

Yes, contestants and a producer have been attacked by reptiles and insects on Naked and Afraid.

The most hazardous incident to date occurred in 2013, however, Steve Rankin, the show’s producer, was actually responsible.

While examining the venue before the event in Costa Rica, Steve was bitten by a pit viper.

Fortunately, he was able to arrive at the hospital by helicopter before it spread, although he stated that his leg required five surgeries.

Manu Toigo, a participant, came dangerously near to getting dengue hemorrhagic fever after being bitten by a mosquito. Fortunately, she fully recovered.

The pain of being bitten by mosquitoes was characterized as “the worst night of their lives” by contestants on Naked and Afraid XL.

Honora Bowen supposedly came close to passing away in season 3, however, it was later discovered that she feigned illness to leave the program.

She apparently requested to quit the show because of bladder problems, but a producer persuaded her to continue, causing her to pretend to be catatonic in order to be taken to the hospital.

Even though the program has had its share of suspenseful moments, the truly unsettling elements much exceed any sense of joy or success.

Fortunately, Naked and Afraid has not been linked to any fatalities. Nonetheless, participants had previously caused viewers a genuine scare, such as when Kim Shelton got food sickness in the show’s debut after eating a turtle.
