GTA Online has a plethora of cars divided into several categories. Each has its own utilization and performance characteristics.
The sports and supercar categories are always neck and neck in terms of who can outperform the other.
Omnis and Turismo R are two of the best vehicles in their respective classes. While the former is classified as a sports car, the latter is a supercar. Both are excellent in terms of performance and handling; however, when competing in terms of speed, one easily outruns the other.
Note: This article is subjective and only reflects the writer's opinions.
Grotti Turismo R can easily outrun the Omnis in GTA Online
When it comes to being the fastest car, Grotti Turismo R is faster than Obey Omnis in GTA Online. The Turismo R has a top speed of 121.75 mph or 195.94 km/h, while the base model Omnis only has a top speed of 112.50 mph or 181.05 km/h.
Both vehicles were tested for speed by YouTuber Broughy1322, and Turismo R came out on top.
Details and specifications of the Turismo R
Grotti Turismo R is a hybrid-electric hypercar in Grand Theft Auto Online. It is inspired by the real-life LaFerrari, McLaren P1, and GTA Spano. While it has been present in Story Mode since its release, Rockstar Games added the vehicle to the multiplayer version as part of the Business Update in March 2014.
It has an aggressive aerodynamic design with sharp curves and edges. The front of the vehicle is facing downward, and the back is curved in the middle of the body. Turismo R also has one of the lowest stances in the game. While this is not intended, the vehicle has the potential to flip several high-suspension vehicles in GTA Online when hit at high speed.
In terms of performance, it is equipped with a single-overhead Camshaft V8 engine and a six-speed transmission box. The rear-wheel drive layout and aerodynamic body make it go swiftly, even at high speeds.
It can also be heavily customized inside the Los Santos Customs workshop in GTA Online. Rockstar Games includes 13 front bumpers, two rear bumpers, 11 liveries, 22 spoilers, and numerous other accessories. The stylish car can be purchased for $500,000 from the Legendary Motorsport website.
Details and specifications of the Omnis
Omnis is primarily a rally car in GTA Online, designed to traverse solid and dirt tracks. It is based on real-life Audi Quattro, Alfa Romeo Alfetta GT Coupe, Fiat 131 Rally, and Toyota MR2. The vehicle was added by Rockstar Games in July 2016 as part of the Cunning Stunts update.
It is powered by a twin-cam four-cylinder engine and a five-speed transmission box. The vehicle has an all-wheel drive layout that makes it easy to navigate even on uneven roads. It has a high top speed, excellent handling, and even torque distribution, making it ideal for all-terrain travel.
However, in terms of customization, Rockstar Games did not provide many options. Los Santos Customs only offers two exhausts, three liveries, three spoilers, and a few other options for customization.
Players can purchase it for $701,00 from the Southern San Andreas Super Autos website.
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