Is Deontay Wilder Nigerian?

June 2024 · 4 minute read

Deontay Wilder is descended from the Edo Tribe, which is primarily found in the Southern region of Nigeria.

'The Bronze Bomber' is a former WBC Heavyweight Champion and one of the heaviest hitters on the planet. While his place in the history books as an all-time great is all but assured, he was far from guaranteed to find success in the boxing ring.

The former champion was born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama to a large family of four other siblings. Wilder's father was a preacher, and instilled how important faith was in him at such a young age.

Growing up, the boxer didn't dream of throwing punches. Instead he played football at the University of Alabama. However, after having his first daughter, Wilder instead decided to forego those plans and focus on a boxing career.

In the boxing ring, Deontay Wilder has helped develop his identity as one of the hardest-punchers ever. Identity is something that matters a lot to the former heavyweight champion, and he's recently revealed that his Nigerian heritage is apart of that.

In an interview last year with Barbershop Conversations, he discussed his ties to the Edo Tribe in Nigeria. Wilder revealed plans to head to the country soon. He stated:

“I want to go back and learn more about my culture and information with things about me. Once I’m done with what I’m doing, I’m going back to see my tribe Edo. I want to see my culture and my ancestors and learn a lot of things. We all have lots of things that we are connected to that we know nothing about."

Who will Deontay Wilder fight next?

Deontay Wilder is currently on the comeback trail and will likely fight Andy Ruiz Jr. next.

'The Bronze Bomber' missed over a year of action after being finished by Tyson Fury in October 2021. Following that defeat, Wilder openly debated retirement and publicly questioned if he had it anymore.

Well, the former heavyweight champion has made up his mind, and he's discovered that he still has some heart left in him. On his return last weekend, we also saw that his power wasn't gone either, as evidenced by his win over Robert Helenius.

Next up on the list is a meeting with Andy Ruiz Jr. Prior to the fight against 'The Nordic Nightmare', it was assumed the two former champions would meet if Wilder could secure a win.

With Deontay Wilder earning that win and 'Destroyer' having no opponent, the two seem lined up for a huge heavyweight clash next.

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